Sunday, December 6, 2009

Going to sleep late and getting up late is a good lifestyle?

Not if you wish to remain employed at a decent job.

Going to sleep late and getting up late is a good lifestyle?theater seating

It worked for Ozzie Ozbourne, Gene Simmons etc..

Going to sleep late and getting up late is a good lifestyle?lyric opera opera theater

Very bad life is called lazy but
Sounds good to me........not reality for me unfortunately.
Not to me, it isn't. There's something about the newness of a day in the morning that makes me hate to waste it sleeping!
It's recommended people get 8 hrs of sleep. When you get them is up to you, as long as it's restful sleep. Depending on your lifestyle and job, you may go to bed later or earlier than some people.
I only wish I could live like that!
I dont think it's all that great. However, I do hate to see the day end. And havea hard time greeting each new day. Tho it IS a lot better now that the weather is getting nicer!
From a psychological standpoint it depends on the individual and their needs and wants. From a biological standpoint it is not a healthy lifestyle. The human biorythems work best when they go to sleep around 9-10pm and rise with the sun. Traditionally humans would go to sleep with the sun and rise with the sun. Most people who live the late night lifestyle for long experience other problems such as depression, substance abuse, disease, etc.

I did it for years and can honestly say my body functions better following the natural laws of nature.
That is my lifestyle.


Then again I work nights and on my days off, just can't seem to jump into a normal sleeping pattern.

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