Sunday, December 6, 2009

How late is too late for a toddler to start walking for the first time? When would you start getting

I have twins and the boy started walking at 11 months, and they are both now 2 and the girl still isn't walking, but the pediatricain doesn't seemed concerned? Is it time for a second opinion?

How late is too late for a toddler to start walking for the first time? When would you start getting concernedstar theater

Some of them do other things before they attempt to walk. Don't worry. The girl will walk when she is good and ready. If they are older than 11 months (which they must be by now) I am sure she is aware of the fact that you want her to walk. She sees her brother walking. She will do it. Ignore it and let her surprise you. If your pediatrician (whom by the way is trained to these sort of things and has seen much more than the ones here that answer) is not concerned there is no reason for you to be.

Start now to condition yourself to not compare them. Twins or no twins when you compare one to the other you create hard feelings and uncalled for stress on your part and theirs. Remember, don't compare!

How late is too late for a toddler to start walking for the first time? When would you start getting concernedextension opera theater

i would think that by 18 months she would be walking. i would get a second opinion just to be on the safe side.
Always get a second opinion but i've learned that kids do what they're ready to do.

The longer they crawl the more intellingent they are, there is something about that movement that helps to connect more synopses in the brain.
yes, i would get a second opinion right away. That girl should be running and walking by now. Better safe then sorry right?.
I say at 14 months you should have gotten a 2nd opinion. It is not normal especially because they are raise din the same enviroment.
You need to get a second opinion!! 2 years old is way past the point of NORMAL. My son was a very late walker and he was 19 months. Good luck
Hmm, I don't think it would hurt to get another opinion. I would worry if they were't walking by 18 mos.
Was your baby girl a preemie? 2 does seem rather late...Ive worked with children and well as having my own three children....2 is very late....I would definately go for a second your own instinct as mom....we always know best!!
You don't say how old your girl is. It usually around 1 year and 15 months.
Yes, today toddler usually start walking around 10 months olds. It could be nothing but I would get a second opinion.
Two years is about the cutoff for what is considered "normal" from what I understand. This should not frighten you though, just seek another opinion. If they both agree, then have them take the time to explain to you the details of what to expect.
Unless they were preemies, 18 months is considered a walking delay and they should be in some kind of physcial therapy.

Check with your insurance, sometimes you do not need a pediatricians recommendation to see a physical therapist. You may want to think about a new doctor anyways.

There are also usually organizations that will come to your home to evaluate your child for free, and their reccomendation can work too. Check in your phone book for community services. Good luck!!
my son wasalmost two when he started walking ,i took him to my gp and he said he was ok.when he was 3 i found out he hada condition called spastosis parapelegia which effects balance and co ordination. but this condition does run in my family ,i have 3 relations with the same thing.
It is said that ushuall by 18m a child is walking. I would ask for her to see a physical therapist and to have her legs examined my someone to make sure she doesn't have a mucles crossed. My friends daughter didn't walk because of a mucle being crossed. Once they realize it (at 2.5) they corrected it through surgery. She can walk now.
yes i would be very concerned, i think 15 mths, is around the time most would be well able to walk , they should not be expected to do the same thing's at the same time, but 2 is a long way behind , so i would get a second opinion immeadiately .
Twins are so sweet, is your boy getting and doing everything for her?? Little girls are smart *wink*...if your doctor isn't concerned you shouldn't be. May be try spending time encouraging her one on one.
At 15-18 months it should be a concern. By 18 mos the child should probably be in physical therapy. (My nephew walked late.)
yes. if she is two years old and not walking it would be best to find another doctor to evaluate ur daughter and make sure she isnt suffering from any kind of bone or spinal problems
I know that children all progress and hit those milstones at differnt times but I would think your daughter should be walking by the ago of 2. I would get a second opinion, especially if it is going to ease your mind. Do some research on the internet. I am sure there are others with this same concer. Find out what they have been told and go from there. Best of Luck...
If your twins was born pre-mature I can see why she isn't walking yet, if you are really that concerned, get a 2nd opion........ it wouldn't hurt.

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